Journey of a Programmer

How to Export SQL query output to CSV file with and Without header?

bcp or sqlcmd commands can be used to achieve this.

SQLCMD - With header:

All names in CAP need to be defined according to your environment /db.
sqlcmd -S SERVERNAME -d DATABASE_NAME -E -o "c:\EXPORTED_CSV_FILE.csv" -Q "select * from TABLENAME" -W -w 999 -s","
  •  -W   remove trailing spaces from each individual field 
  • -s","   sets the column seperator to the comma (,)
  • -w 999   sets the row width to 999 chars

SQLCMD - Without header:
sqlcmd -S SERVERNAME -d DATABASE_NAME -E -o "c:\EXPORTED_CSV_FILE.csv" -Q "select * from TABLENAME" -W -w 999 -s"," -h-1
  • -h-1 removes column name headers from the result 

bcp Command:

bcp "select * from DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE" queryout  "c:\EXPORTED_CSV_FILE.csv"  -c -t"," -r"\n" -S SERVERNAME -T